Coniscliffe Park, Darlington
Gladman Developments & Taylor WimpeyGladman Developments and Taylor Wimpey were proposing to develop 1500 houses on a site to the east of Darlington, incorporating a new link road connecting Staindrop Road in the north with Coniscliffe Road in the south. The development also comprises a GP surgery, a new primary school and a convenience store.
Working with Optima Highways and Transportation, an Aimsun traffic model of the eastern part of Darlington was produced to aid in determining the impact the scheme had on the operation of the adjacent highway network. Mitigation measures were determined including the signalisation of the Cockerton roundabouts and increased number of approach lanes to the Blands Corner roundabout.
A Transport Assessment, Travel Plan and Environmental Impact Assessment were produced and submitted in support of the scheme through the planning process.
Photo credit: FPCR