Pocklington, East Riding of Yorkshire
Gladman Developments LtdGladman Developments were proposing up to 380 dwellings, a local centre with children’s day nursery, a convenience store with up to 280m² of retail floor space and 60 bed care home on land east of The Balk, Pocklington.
This application was refused by East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERoYC) for two reasons, one of which was related to highway impact on the off-site junction of the A1079 York Road/The Balk, despite an agreement in principle being in place for a mitigation scheme.
The refusal was appealed with extensive negotiations taking place between the highways officers at ERoYC and Prime to establish an appropriate mitigation measure to alleviate the capacity issues at the A1079 York Road/The Balk junction.
These discussions resulted in the proposal to provide a new roundabout at this junction which would provide substantial benefits to the area, as demonstrated during a dedicated public consultation exercise.
Not only did this scheme improve the capacity of this junction, but it also provided a significant safety benefit for the residents of and visitors to the town.
Photo Credit: FPCR