Bexhill Leisure Centre, Down Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex
Rother District CouncilRother District Council has had a long term plan to redevelop the site of the existing dry Bexhill Leisure Centre and former high school to a new wet and dry leisure centre and 52 dwellings. Prime were commissioned to advise on the access design and provide input to the masterplan as well as prepare a Transport Assessment, Travel Plan and Technical Notes.
We designed a mini-roundabout to provide access to the site as well as act as a traffic calming feature which was important given the adjacent primary school.
A significant constraint to the site was its proximity to the A259 trunk road and A269 signal controlled junction which regularly experiences lengthy queues and delays. Highways England were insistent on the need for mitigation at the junction, as such Prime designed a fairly modest but highly effective measure that would reinstate two ahead lanes on the A259 eastbound approach and provide a dedicated west to north left turn lane.
The addition of a splitter island will allow the signals to operate more efficiently, with fewer stages and shorter cycletimes as well as increase crossing opportunities for pedestrians.
The design was subject to a stringent road safety audit to the satisfaction of Highways England who offered no objection to the proposals.
Photo Credit: TEP